Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 2 Day 2 - My Volunteer Trip in Cambodia

Today's the final day for another volunteer, Michael ( previously in my previous posts, i thought his name is Marco! Ha) and we snap some shots with the filter team just before he left.

A film crew dropped by today at Trailblazer as they are filming a documentary on the NGOs in Cambodia. So, while we were working at the filter-making site, there was a guy using a Canon high-range DSLR taking a video of us. Aint sure if my face was seen or not! Haha.

After lunch, I helped Lon Sey, the volunteer coordinator to cut out the names of the filter donors to be labelled onto the donated filters. Carving long, long names on OHP film papers using a blade is such a highly-skilled required job. Lon Sey took three days and ten papers just to figure out a way to carve the letters without breaking off. It's hard to explain this in writing. But yes it required some nice carving skills.

While talking to him, I found out that his village does not receive any power supply ever since heaven knows when! The thing is, his village is only 17km away from Siem Reap town but look at the vast difference in basic necessities! And, while chatting with Michael, I just realised that there is a place in Cambodia which is similar to India, that is there's a dump site where people literally live within the heaps of garbage and they would go around searching high and low for edible or valuable items once a fresh pile of dump is thrown into that area.

This is Cambodia in the 2000s which looks the same, perhaps worse or a little bit better than a few centuries ago.

Pray for Cambodia will be the utmost important agenda if we wish to see a democratic Cambodia that provides basic human rights to its people!

It's delivery day tomorrow and am real excited to visit another village, Rom Duol!

Praying for a fine day without disruptive rain!

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