Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fund Raising for "My Volunteer Project to Cambodia" (COMPLETED)

My fund raising target of RM1, 082.12 has been achieved! Hence, my fund raising collection is now officially closed.

And with your generous givings, I have successfully donated ONE bio-sand water filter for the price of USD80 to The Trailblazer Foundation. Here's a screenshot of the donation receipt from the NGO :

I would like to once again thank my contributors for "My Volunteer Project to Cambodia" for their generous donations. As previously stated in my previous posts, I will provide my fundraising donors with a daily report on my volunteer project during my stay in Cambodia (07/07 - 20/07). I will post my daily report here on my blog site and will notify you, dear donors, once the report is ready. It is most likely that I will have 24-hour internet access in my hostel in Cambodia, so I will be able to update my blog daily. 

CAMBODIA, here I come!

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