Monday, May 18, 2009

Sorry, Jiminy!

Just killed 4 crickets today! The noise they made were just so unbearable lar... Was really glad to find them hiding in some corners, waitin for me to squash them! Hahahhahaa my apologies to Jiminy Cricket. Sorry for killing ur buddies, they were a pain in d butt!!
p/s: watch Pinocchio if u dunno who's Jiminy, the one flying over Pinocchio's head there. =D


  1. Pinocchio would get pissed if he knew you killed four crickets.You sick sick girl.Hahaha,no worries I would have done the same thing.

    In memory of four crickets..we'll name them,
    Jimino,Jimmy,Jimbo....and Larry.Don't ask why.

  2. Larry must be the ugly duckling.....lolz!
